No inverted camera in Silent Hill: Homecoming? Dtoid discusses via fap metaphors

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Destructoid reader “Cat Goat” sent us a very disappointed email earlier this evening, wanting to make us, and by extension, the entire world know that Silent Hill: Homecoming doesn’t let you invert the camera. At least on the 360 version of the latest in the horror series, our hapless Cat Goat cannot play SH the way he wants to.

I have been playing inverted camera since Goldeneye on the N64. It’s 2008. SH5 on the 360 does not let me invert the camera. Instead of being scared of crap popping out and such, I’m infuriated by the lack of camera inversion. I’m not saying inversion is better or worse, I hate when people argue about which is better. I am pissed because they do not give me the option that almost every other game I have played that uses a 3d camera has given me since FOREVER!

Wait … people actually argue over which type of camera is better? Jesus Christ on a plastic rhino, that is ridiculous. But to the matter at hand — this is actually pretty rubbish if true. For some people, that can be a deal breaker and not including the option is something of an oversight. 

Our very own Colette Bennett, Dale North and Brad Rice are playing this for review so we will have confirmation soon. I’d get confirmation right now, but unfortunately those buggers at Konami aren’t release Homecoming here until November. In the meantime, a motley crew of Destructoid editors gathered round and discussed the problems of the inverted camera issue in our own special, rather disturbing way. Read on!

Samit Sarkar: Holy shit, for real?!?! Can someone (Dale, Colette) confirm this? If so, that’s retarded. I simply can’t play games without inverting the vertical camera control.

Joe Burling: Are you serious? This game is on it’s way to me via gamefly as we speak, and I am really excited about playing. However, I too am an invert player, and if it doesn’t have an invert option I will be sending it back immediately. 🙁

Samit: Me trying to play a game without an inverted y-axis camera = trying to jack it with the left hand. It just feels like you’re retarded, and it doesn’t work.

Grim: Good analogy. Although I’m right handed and can fap with only my left hand for some reason.

Dick McVengeance:  Playing it after dinner tonight. Let’s see how retarded this game gets ^_^

Jim Sterling: I used to fap with my right hand, until I discovered the Internet and realized I needed that hand on the mouse. Soon learned to do it with lefty after that.

Grim: Exactly. It comes in handy.

Chad Concelmo: Why don’t you just use your left hand for the mouse? 🙂

Jim: Because I could run the risk of slipping with the mouse and accidentally clicking on a link to a Kevin Bacon photo gallery, Chad!



Orcist: The trick is tabbed browsing. Ctrl+tab is you friend.

Chad: Good lord, how much porn do you all have on the screen at one time? Isn’t focusing on one window enough? 🙂 🙂

Aerox: What do you think dual monitors were originally created for?

Samit: Ctrl+Tab (and Ctrl+Shift+Tab, to go to the previous tab) is a GODSEND.

Jim: Chad, I like my porn the same way I like my food — in a variety of flavors and in copious amounts.

Chad: Hahaha. Amazing. 🙂

Orcist: Besides, it gives you eye candy while one tab is loading.

Jim: Exactly, Orcist! If you’re using something like Xtube, for instance, you can stream one up while watching another. It’s the same kind of efficiency that the Germans would approve of. Except with more masturbation and less persecution.

Orcist: And less scat fetishes.

Jim: Maybe for you.

Aerox: Xtube has a very strict no pooping policy.

Jim: I noticed. Nice to see a site where people can video themselves pissing in a forest has some standards.

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