Nintendo pulls browser-based GBA emulator

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Nintendo have put an end to a browser-based Gameboy Advance Emulator.

The emulator didn’t actually have a name, but instead was a Github page that hosted many Javascript versions of popular GBA games such as Pokemon Emerald and Advance Wars that could be easily played in a browser.

Apparently this didn’t exactly go down well with Nintendo, and so they sent a takedown notice to Github to get it removed. The DMCA notice sent to Github can be seen below, but it looks like the actual page the games were hosted on isn’t there anymore.

Emulation is a bit of a legal grey-area – usually (depending on the laws where you are of course) if you make everything from the console BIOS to the ROM yourself it’s technically legal.

This emulator made it easy to run these games with very little effort needed in setting it up, and so it’s understandable to see why Nintendo pulled it.


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