Wow … I know that Sony can go a little nuts when it comes to weird PS3 commercials, but this Chilean ad really takes home the prize. The commercial portrays a gamer giving blood to a Nazi officer. Seriously, Sony is telling consumers that PS3 fans are essentially Nazi sympathizers.
To be fair, the Nazi in question is meant to be Erwin Rommel, generally considered the best of a bad lot, but even so, this is has caused quite a bit of uproar since its unveiling. The casual observer isn’t going to immediately know it’s Rommel, providing that observer even knows who Rommel is. The untrained eye will merely see a man happily donating blood to a decorated member of the Third Reich.
The ad is one of two revealed so far, with a gamer donating his heart to Joan of Arc in the other. On one level, it’s quite a clever idea and the commercials are certainly quite bold and artistic. On another level, he’s giving a blood transfusion to a f*cking Nazi!
Both brilliant and stupid at the same time. Gotta love Sony’s marketing brains.
Published: Sep 29, 2009 06:00 pm