New screens surface for Ace Attorney spin-off, Perfect Prosecutor

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I chatted you up about the upcoming Ace Attorney universe spin-off Perfect Prosecutor (Gyakuten Kenji vs Gyakuten Saiban) earlier this month, and for those of you foaming at the mouth for more crime-solving, these new screens courtesy of Jeux-France ought to whet your appetite.

While no information about a US release has come to light, I have more news to make you envy the Japanese — Capcom has announced that the previous volumes of the Ace Attorney series will see a reduction in price, falling to 2100 Yen each (roughly $20 US.) There’s no telling if something like this price cut will make it to the US, although hardcore fans would likely buy it one way or the other (but our pocketbooks would surely appreciate the sentiment.)

The Jeux-France article also clarifies that the object of Perfect Prosecutor is to incarcerate Benjamin Hunter, an name you’ll easily remember if you’re a hardcore fan of the series in both its English and Japanese incarnations (hint hint.) Surely it will be worth many a fan’s mad glee to be able to learn more about some of these characters that weren’t fully fleshed out before. Announce a US release date, Capcom!

[Thanks Justin]

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