I’m sure you all know what game I really want this week. Oh the irony of it all, as Castle Crashers comes out the day I fly off to Seattle. I will be crashing castles as soon as I get back next week from PAX.
So many games out this week! I’ll be too busy playing the game of not passing out on the streets of Seattle this week.What’s looking sw33t to you?
WVC: Helix, Ys Book I & II, Samurai Showdown 2
XBLA: Castle Crashers
PS3: Tiger Woods 09, Vampire Rain: Altered Species, Ferrari Challenge, Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice
X360: Tiger Woods 09, Tales of Vesperia
Wii: Tiger Woods 09 All-Play, Ferrari Challenge, Mario Super Sluggers
PSP: Tiger Woods 09, N+
DS: Commando Steel Disaster, Ferrari Challenge, Picto Image, Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness, Digimon World Championship, N+, From the Abyss
PS2: Tiger Woods 09, Ferrari Challenge
PC: Prison Tycoon 4: SuperMax, The Sims 2 Apartment Life, Sims 2: Apartment Pets, Stalker: Clear Sky
Commando Steel Disaster (DS)
Vampire Rain: Altered Species (PS3)
Tiger Woods 09 (PS3, X360, PS2, Wii, PSP
Ferrari Challenge (PS3, Wii, PS2, DS)
Sims 2: Apartment Pets (PC)
Picto Image (DS)
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (DS)
Digimon World Championship (DS)
Tales of Vesperia (X360)
N+ (DS, PSP)
The Sims 2 Apartment Life (PC)
From the Abyss (DS)
Stalker: Clear Sky (PC)
Mario Super Sluggers (Wii)
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (PS3)
Published: Aug 25, 2008 03:44 pm