It’s weird to feel nostalgic about a game that hasn’t even been released in the United States yet, but that’s how I feel about Pokemon Black/White. I picked up a copy of the game right after TGS last year (when I wrote this detailed preview), and while I’m still working on catching the game’s last few legendaries, I’ve more or less been down that (victory) road.
That said, I’m still excited to plow through the game again when it’s brought out here in the states. Each version of the game has a lot of unique features, so it will feel at least a little new to play Black, even though I’ve “beaten” White. More importantly, Pokemon Black/White just makes me feel good, and that hasn’t changed now that it’s a few months old (for me).
For those of you who imported the game, are you planning on playing through it again? If you haven’t played Pokemon Black/White yet; does this trailer make you want it?
Published: Jan 25, 2011 09:30 pm