If you are pulling for Navia in Genshin Impact, you probably want to have her Ascension materials on hand. Luckily, they are all already available in the current version of the game, so you can start pre-farming before her debut. Here are all of Navia’s Ascension materials and where to find them!
Character Ascension
Artificed Spare Clockwork Components — Coppelius
These can be obtained by defeating the Pneuma version of the Icewind Suite duo near Opera Epiclese. Speak to Maillardet and choose “Nemesis of Coppelius” to start the fight.
You’ll need 46 of these in total, which will take an average of 18 boss runs or about 720 Resin at World Level 8.
Spring of the First Dewdrop
These strange droplets can be found underwater in the Morte Region, in the lake underneath the large tower. You can also buy 15 of them from Pahsiv after completing the Wild Fairy of Erinnyes quest.
You’ll need 168 Dewdrops in total.

Transoceanic Pearls
Transoceanic Pearls drop from Fontemer Aberrants, the various creatures inhabiting Fontaine’s waters. If it’s underwater and looks biological and not mechanical, then it probably drops Pearls when defeated. Because they’re so ubiquitous, you can easily farm Pearls by teleporting anywhere underwater and destroying the local ecosystem with a murder spree.
You’ll need a total of 18 Transoceanic Pearls, 30 Transoceanic Chunks, and 36 Xenochromatic Crystals to fully ascend Navia, more if you plan on leveling her Talents.
Prithiva Topaz
Prithiva Topaz are the golden Geo gems obtained from various world bosses. Unfortunately, the Icewind Suite does not drop Prithiva Topaz. I don’t recommend farming other bosses for Topaz though, since it wastes resin on other materials you might not need. Instead, try converting gems of a different element using Dust of Azoth, obtained through the Stardust shop.
You’ll need 1 Sliver, 9 Fragments, 9 Chunks, and 6 Gemstones in total.

Talent Levels
Equity Books
Navia uses Justice books to level her Talents. These can be farmed on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays from the Fontaine Talent domain.
You’ll need 9 brown books, 63 silver books, and 114 gold books to get all Talents to level 10. This translates to around 2,480 Resin or 13.8 days of farming at the hardest difficulty.
Transoceanic Pearls
These are the pearls that drop from various underwater wildlife. You’ll need 18 Transoceanic Pearls, 66 Transoceanic Chunks, and 93 Xenochromatic Crystals to fully level Navia’s Talents, not including the materials needed for her character Ascension.
Lightless Silk String
Lightless Silk Strings are obtained from the All-Devouring Narwhal. You can unlock this weekly boss domain by completing Fontaine’s Archon Quests, or quick-start the battle from the Adventurer’s Handbook.
You’ll need 18 Strings in total, and since this you can only challenge this boss once a week, that means around 8 weeks of farming at the highest difficulty.
Published: Dec 14, 2023 02:44 pm