Something a little different arrives in Nintendo’s arena-shooter Splatoon 2 today, as this weekly weapon joining the game’s arsenal is the nostalgic N-Zap89.
The gun is obviously based on duck-killing weaponry of yore, but has a slightly more reliable rate-of-fire and makes less parent-waking noise than its real-life counterpart. The all-grey Zapper has previously appeared in the Splatoon series, but this variant features the light grey-and-orange design.
The N-Zap 89 comes equipped with an Autobomb sub and Tenta Missile special. As always it will go live in North America later this evening, with Europe and Japan to follow tomorrow. Remember: Do Not Point at People or Animals.
Splatoon 2 is available now on Nintendo Switch.
機動力のあるメインの性能を活かしながら、サブの「ロボットボム」で相手をけん制し、スペシャルの「マルチミサイル」で一網打尽にしよう。 pic.twitter.com/MjdVtn5Ae1— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) December 8, 2017
Published: Dec 8, 2017 11:30 am