[Editor’s note: free touch posted this blog a couple of days ago and I don’t know how I missed this until just now. Once again, free touch shows off his artistic talents by making this custom Halo 3 skull, which happens to be my favorite skull from the game. YAY!!!! — CTZ]
Sup all. I present to you, my latest in the way of custom art: A full size, reproduction/interpretation of one of the hidden skulls in Halo 3. Grunt Birthday Party, once found, enables you to shot Grunts in the head, which makes confetti shoot out of them and children to yell out “YAY!”
It was created from a Halloween skull that I had lying around from last year’s party. I took off the bottom jaw off completely, filled the plaster mold with more plaster (to make it about five to seven pounds, perfect for cracking someone in the face with), sanded it down, cleaned up the bits I needed to, and added a new paint job. I combined the in game skull, with the out of game symbol, thus creating an amalgamation of the thing. The input plug on the back of the skull was sculpted by me, and created out of latex.
I kept the mold because I might do more of these. Finishing it off with the carving around the input plug, and the carving of the Candle Icon on the front of the head, and finally giving roughly three coats of clear coat, to allow for handling.
This was a gift for my brother, because all he does is play Halo. Any questions let me know! You can reach me by sending me a PM or leave a comment here.
Also, as a side note, I’m going to be putting up three of my custom faceplates up for sale here in the next week or so. Two being of Destructoid nature, and the other being the BioShock plate I did. Contact me for prices, deals and the like. Don’t be shy, the things are going to be cheap.
Published: Apr 2, 2008 08:31 pm