Molyneux names his top five most revolutionary games

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Peter Molyneux may be a hype producing blow hard all the time sometimes, but the games he and Lionhead Studios have put out over the years are nothing if they aren’t innovative. While they may not live up to his very own hype, they do often feature aspects that are new and fresh. Where does Molynuex get his inspiration, though? What games does he respect as the one’s that truly changed the game?

At BAFTA’s Annual Video Games Lecture last night, Lionhead boss Peter Molyneux revealed what he thinks are the five most revolutionary games of the last 20 years. That time frame excludes most of the 8-bit era so we’re pretty much eliminating most of Nintendo’s and Sega’s classics and jumping straight into the modern era of gaming. What were his top five then?

Dune 2, Super Mario 64, Tomb Raider, Halo and World of Warcraft.

Any of his choices surprise anyone? I did not expect to see Tomb Raider on there, but he gives a pretty convincing argument for it, saying that Eidos subverted the tradition of muscled men being heroes, and created a unique character that confronted many stereotypes held in gaming. The other games are pretty obvious choices all around (he gives props to Mario 64 for influencing GTA), but if you want to understand his full reasoning behind selecting each game you can read a full report of the talk here

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