Modern day Call of Jaurez: The Cartel announced

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Ubisoft has announced that it will be publishing Techland’s upcoming shooter, Call of Juarez: The Cartel this summer.

The third in Techland’s Call of Juarez series, the game is said to bring “the best elements of the Wild West to a new and modern setting.” Players will embark on a “mature” journey that spans from Los Angeles, California to Jaurez, Mexico.

Call of Juarez: The Cartel is an action-packed shooter game with a strong story, interesting characters and a wide variety of gameplay options,” says  director of marketing Adam Novickas in a press release. “The game will bring the best elements of the Wild West into modern times with a very gritty and relevant plot.”

I’d love to give you more info, but Electronic Gaming Monthly has the exclusive when its next issue hits shelves this week. Keep your eyes peeled.

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