Great games seem hollow without Achievements or Trophies. It’s amazing how unrewarding a difficult task or a level completion is now without a tiny little ding and small text to pad the ego. As you well know, many early PlayStation 3 titles didn’t ship with Trophies. The in-game reward system was tacked on well after a slew of ‘AAA’ titles hit the system. One of those games without Trophies is Konami’s Metal Gear Solid 4. It’s a fact that many MGS 4 owners love to point out on the Internet.
Konami hasn’t committed to adding support quite yet, and a Sony representative recently held that non-committal line in response to a fan inquiry on the PlayStation blog. “On the subject of MGS4/MGO trophies and Konami ID – we hear you,” he wrote. “We have been circulating these issues internally, and we will report back as soon as we are able.”
Does that mean anything? At the very least, it appears that someone at Konami has heard the fan uproar. However, as time flies by, the likelihood of a Trophy patch seems to be decreasing. MGS 4 is old. Like Old Snake old, in videogame terms.
[Via CVG]
Published: Mar 2, 2009 06:20 pm