Medal of Honor‘s single-player component looks exhilarating and all — no, really, I genuinely mean that — but I’m much more interested in hearing (and seeing) more on the DICE-developed multiplayer. Yes, most of this longing for fresh details stems from me being a fan of the studio’s work.
It also has to do with us not receiving any information on the multiplayer until, uh, just this week? Yeah, we knew only the basics until E3 showed us the light. Anyway, the beta is coming soon to PC and PlayStation 3 as scheduled — June 21, or, the 17th for those with Battlefield: Bad Company 2 who pre-order MoH.
Sadly, it’s been given the ol’ bump back for those of us on Xbox 360. No specific date was given by DICE, but the company is saying it won’t be starting until next week. As such, the multiplayer beta will be extended to make up for lost time.
This is a bummer, sure, but we’ll survive.
Published: Jun 16, 2010 10:30 pm