Every time Destructoid gets together it is awesome. I haven’t had a bad time when I’ve gotten to hang out with this awesome and totally amazing community. However, MAFest 9 was seriously epic to an extent I couldn’t even fathom. From the moment I got there I was surrounded by great people and we had a blast gaming, drinking, singing and drinking.
I thought I’d point you towards a photographic rundown of the entire thing that the absolutely stupendous IcarusKills put together. I grabbed some of the highlights, but I strongly suggest looking through all of them. Oh, and then hit the jump because you’re about to get Destructoid karaoked like none other. I suggest being prepared to rock because CasualWeaponary and Greks224 are about to blow your mind backed up by none other than the rest of the Destructoid community.
Also of note in the annals of excellence is Jon Bloodspray’s attempt to get his Destructoid shirt signed by everyone… ever. You can see it below. He’s the guy without pants.
Published: Jan 17, 2011 08:30 pm