It’s no secret that LucasArts is approaching new IP differently — the studio has made that plain since CEO Darrel Rodriguez joined. But it’s the way they’re doing it, in a post-Fracture world, that makes it interesting: the studio is looking forward with an internal approach. Lucidity, as I’ve learned, is an example of that.
In a recent interview with the studios’ David Nottingham, in which we covered Lucidity extensively, I commented that the colorful downloadable title was quite the departure from Fracture, and then asked if Lucidity was an example of how LucasArts was planning to do new IP in the future. Nottingham replied in the affirmative, adding that it was part of the effort of LucasArts to ‘get back to its roots.’
“Lucidity is part of a real attempt by the company to do something different with respect to its original IP strategy,” said Nottingham. “Although Fracture was a new IP from LucasArts it was developed by an external developer, so Lucidity is really the first New IP we’ve developed internally in a while. This plus the Monkey Island: SE release, is all part of LucasArts efforts to ‘get back to its roots’.“
Nottingham gave me a bit of a personal story. His point in doing so was to relate that the studio is attempting to capture the same spirit of old — that creativity, energy, and originality that helped create titles like Secret of MI. Hit the break for it.
“My whole reason for being here comes down to two things, watching Star Wars as a kid and playing those classic LucasArts games,” Nottingham exclaimed. “Growing up, LucasArts (or Lucasfilm Games as it was then) was a brand I totally trusted. I would buy everything with the name on it and it just seemed like such a creatively fertile place. We’ve tried to instill some of that energy and originality with the team we have now and create a culture that really empowers people’s creativity and passion. If we can be successful with that model then we will keep doing what we are doing!”
This approach sounds good to us. What do you think?
Published: Sep 28, 2009 09:20 am