Capcom continues to support Lost Planet 2 in late July, when the publisher says it will release an all new mode, as well as a new skin.
“Rush Arena” pits up to four players in a special mode against all of the bosses that appear in the game, all the way up through the final baddie. The mode will sport its own set of leaderboards as well, where players will battle it out off the best completion time.
That’s the good news. The bad news is that the new skin — “Post Modern” — is not an Andy Warhol player model. That is a total tease.
The new DLC will run you 240 MS Points on the Xbox 360 and $2.99 on the PlayStation Network, so save your cash/points accordingly, or prepare to break open your piggy bank.
New Lost Planet 2 DLC – Rush Arena and Post Modern skin [Capcom Unity]
Published: Jun 28, 2010 05:20 pm