It’s an anime, game, and toy line
Level-5 is basically the king of “cross-media projects,” and now they have another cool looking property to add to their pile.
This one is Megaton Musashi, a mecha game that takes place after 90% of humankind is wiped out from an alien invasion. Survivors have their memories of the event erased, but the past catches up to them, leading three kids to pilot a mech consisting of three robots, Voltron style. The game will be an RPG set for a summer 2017 release, but no platforms were specified outside of the 3DS.
The near 14-minute anime trailer below should give you a clear picture on what they’re going for. Hopefully this gets localized at some point, because I dig it!
Level-5 Announces New Cross Media Project Megaton-kyū Musashi [Anime News Network]
Published: Jul 28, 2016 11:30 am