Those are some of my favourite words!
It’s no secret that I’ve been loving the adventure games that have been finding life via Kickstarter and Last Life is no different. Described by developer Sam Farmer, this is an episodic “sci-fi noir adventure game in which you investigate your own murder”… on Mars!
Taking cues from Kentucky Route Zero and The Walking Dead before it, Last Life is planned to be spread over three episodes. Whilst I do like the episodic games, I do wish some of them didn’t have such a big gap between releases.
It should be pointed out that the initial goal of $75,000 is just to fund the first episode of the game, although the Kickstarter page suggests passing that goal might secure funding for the remaining two episodes. One has to imagine with Double Fine’s backing, that goal will be met and maybe Tim Schafer whispered in Sam’s ear “Hey, if you’re gonna go episodic, plan that from the start.”
LAST LIFE [Kickstarter]
Published: Apr 10, 2014 09:00 pm