Headup has announced that Brainwash Gang’s traumatic gated exploration game, Laika: Aged Through Blood will release on PC on October 19, 2023. Console ports are expected to follow soon after.
There’s way too much coming out in October. Laika: Aged Through Blood is described as Excitebike meets Metroid, as you explore a non-linear sidescroller world with a dirtbike betwixt your legs and a gun in your hand. I previewed it back in June and really enjoyed what I had played. I would love to review it, but it seems that every small and indie developer on the planet has chosen October to release their game. Maybe I can circle back for a console review when the ports follow.
If you have the time to try it, I suggest you do. It’s a nice mix of whimsical and brutal, featuring a tonne of violence and death. You play as a badass mom who is out for vengeance when birds decide to attack her village. Be warned, though. Aiming a gun and driving a dirtbike takes a pretty heavy amount of concentration. In my preview, I was concerned that having to stay focused for such a long period of time might become really uncomfortable and difficult.
On the other hand, the art style is terrific, the soundtrack by Beicoli is my new jam, and the premise is incredibly unique. Maybe check out the demo of Laika: Aged Through Blood and see if you dig it.
Laika: Aged Through Blood releases on PC October 19, 2023. Console ports are coming “soon after.”
Published: Oct 6, 2023 09:55 am