This one is kind of a stretch, folks. But the fact of the matter is that you can’t have solid, usuable videogame news to report on every day. Some days there’s just nothing.
What I have for you today is a vague tweet or two from Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima. It’s about a game he’s working on. It could be the next Zone of the Enders. Or not. CVG has pointed out that some of Kojima’s ramblings sound like they could be talking about ZotE. Wishful thinking? You judge.
I’m thinking about the casting for my next title. The project plan still hasn’t reached a detailed level, but everything is advancing simultaneously in my head. Title, game design, story, characters, setting research, the mecha that appear, casting, graphic direction, sound, beginning and ending, the major story sequences. It comes together naturally in my head.
There’s still a mountain of PW work piled up, but my head is moving towards ‘Next Title Mode.’ This is not good.
Mecha? Who are we kidding. He puts Mecha into everything. Moo cow mecha! As great as it would be if ZotE3 was coming, a quick look back at our previous articles on related rumors doesn’t have me feeling very positive about this.
Zone of the Enders 3 hinted by Kojima [CVG]
Published: Apr 12, 2010 04:20 pm