Jujutsu Infinite Domain Expansion Tier List for all Techniques

Jujutsu Infinite Domain Expansion Tier List

Ranking all nine Domain Expansions

Every Innate Technique in Jujutsu Infinite has its own Domain Expansion, offering very powerful skills to perform in both PvP and PvE combat. This provides a ton of possibilities for choosing your actual Domain Expansion, so we’ve created a Jujutsu Infinite Domain Expansion Tier List so you know which ones are the best and that are worth investing into unlocking.

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Domain Expansion Tier List for Jujutsu Infinite
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Domain Expansion Tier List

Our Jujutsu Infinite Domain Expansion Tier List below includes all nine Domain Expansions currently int he game as well as which Innate Technique they belong to, and a brief description detailing the Domain Expansion and whether it is good for PvP or PvE. Here is our full Jujutsu Infinite Domain Expansion Tier List:

S Tier

  • Celestial Opera (Star Rage Domain Expansion)
    • Celestial Opera will fill your mass meter permanently during the domain. Paired with the high damage-dealing arsenal of Star Rage, Celestial Opera quickly becomes one of the best Domain Expansions, especially for PvP in Jujutsu Infinite. Even in PvE you can do tons of damage due to the massive AoE potential of this set.

A Tier

  • Idle Death Gamble (Gambler Fever Domain Expansion)
    • Idle Death Gamble is the only Domain Expansion you can use without having any meter buildup at all. You can start a fight and immediately pop Idle Death Gamble. Inside, fill up your Fever Meter to get infinite RCT which essentially makes you immortal and unkillable, and also grants a reduced cooldown on your skills. This makes it very strong for PvP, and somewhat effective for PvE though there are better options overall.
  • Unequivocal Love (Copy Domain Expansion)
    • In Unequivocal Love you get two katanas with their own unique moveset, that you can cycle through as you use them. There is a high amount of RNG applied to this Domain Expansion because it’s random which katanas you roll. You can keep spamming the skills to cycle to the next, but bad RNG could leave you vulnerable. This makes it somewhat average in PvE but the ceiling potential is huge in PvP.
  • Unlimited Void (Infinity Domain Expansion)
    • The Unlimited Void Domain Expansion stuns your opponent for a long period of time. In previous versions, you could completely kill your opponent in the entire Domain Expansion which made this very overpowered. A recent nerf made that not possible, but you can still stack skills during the Domain Expansion, making it a strong option for PvP, but not nearly as good for PvE with the recent updates.

B Tier

  • Coffin of the Iron Mountain (Volcano Domain Expansion)
    • Everything caught inside the Coffing of the Iron Mountain Domain Expansion will receive fire damage-over-time. Several Volcano Skills will create AoE magma puddles on the ground that deal high fire damage as well, helping you lock down and control the battlefield. While strong, a player can more easily maneuver around these puddles, making Coffing of the Iron Mountain better for PvE than PvP.
  • Malevolent Shrine (Demon Vessel Domain Expansion)
    • During the Malevolent Shrine Domain Expansion you will create an endless amount of slashes for a long period of time. The damage is rather small, but it lasts for so long, it’s a constant damage over time effect. This makes Malevolent Shrine a solid PvE option when choosing the Demon Vessel Domain Expansion, while not being so good for PvP.
  • Self Embodiment of Perfection (Soul Manipulation Domain Expansion)
    • Inside the Soul Embodiment of Perfection Domain Expansion, your attacks place a stackable orb on your opponent. The only skill that deals different damage in the Soul Mainipulation Domain Expansion is Soul Touch, which will deal more damage based on the orbs you have stacked on an opponent. It’s alright for both PvP and PvE if you can stack the orbs up quickly, but overall doesn’t have the strength of some others higher on this list.

C Tier

  • Deadly Sentencing (Judgeman Domain Expansion)
    • The Judgeman domain expansion Deadly Sentencing pits you into a game of Rock Paper Scissors against your opponent. Winning will grant you the executioner’s sword, which causes your M1 to do insane damage essentially guaranteeing you can kill your opponent. A tie removes your opponent’s curse technique. If you lose, you get the speed and defensive buffs of Domain Expansion. This isn’t bad for PvP, but is really more of a gimmicky gamble than a reliable domain Expansion.
  • Horizon of the Captivating Skhanda (Hydrokinesis Domain Expansion)
    • In Horizon of the Captivating Skhanda, your opponent has the wet debuff, causing them to move slower and deal less damage. Using Death Swarm in your Domain Expansion will cause fish to slam into your opponent in mass, biting your opponent dealing Bleed and more Wet. It’s a very cool looking Domain Expansion in terms of appearance, but for actual practical use is weaker than most of your other options.

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Steven Mills
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Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.