The San Francisco Wondercon starts tomorrow! The various members of the DtoidSanFrancisco group are planning on attending the show this weekend and there’s a handful of videogame panels to be had.
On Friday from 6:00 to 7:00, Capcom’s Mike Webster, Matt Dahlgren and Francis Mao will be talking about Resident Evil 5. Some lucky audience members will get hands-on time while the rest get to hear about insider info on the upcoming game.
On Saturday, Capcom’s Seth Killian and a few others will be talking about all things Street Fighter IV from 11:30 to 12:30. We’ll see behind-the-scenes stuff and there will be a Q&A session too. From 2:00 to 3:00, join EA as they talk about Dante’s Inferno. And from 6:00 to 7:00, Nintendo will be giving a panel on their various RPG games including the upcoming Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon for the DS.
There’s nothing videogame related happening on Sunday as far as panels go, but there is a panel for Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles going down. Summer Glau and Shirley Manson will both be at the panel and I really want to “meat” Summer.
As for the actual show floor, it looks like only Capcom, Nintendo and EA will have booths setup. It’s small in terms of gaming, but it should be fun regardless. I remember last years show had a lot of bad cosplay so it will at least be worth the admission price to see that.
Published: Feb 26, 2009 06:40 pm