Did you hear that Apple is now the world’s most valuable company? Nintendo investors also heard, and when they looked Nintendo’s recent performance, recent 3DS price cut and slumping overall sales, they made the okay face.
Investors are hoping that Nintendo president Satoru Iwata goes back on his firm promise to only make games for Nintendo consoles. Or at least buy into the mobile/smartphone world.
“Smartphones are the new battlefield for the gaming industry,” said Masamitsu Ohki, a fund manager Stats Investment Management. “Nintendo should try to either buy its way into this platform or develop something totally new.”
The only recent jump in shares came when news of a Pokemon game for iOS and Android hit. Bloomberg said it hit a four-month high that day, but then quickly dropped again when Nintendo said there was no change in strategy for them.
“Nintendo should aggressively make acquisitions or increase returns to its shareholders,” said Ii, president of Tokyo-based Commons Asset Management, which held 2,200 Nintendo shares as of February. “It’s management’s task to consider how to make use of the cash.”
I get it. People are Angry Bird-ing everywhere, iThings are flying off shelves and Apple is raking in cash. Meanwhile, Nintendo is already dropping the price of the 3DS and no one is buying games. Nintendo, I’d buy the f*ck out of some iOS Mario games. Just saying.
Published: Aug 11, 2011 01:30 pm