Mirror in the PInnacle Contest in Infinity Nikki
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Infinity Nikki: Mira Crown Pinnacle Contest styling guide (January 23 – February 13)

Reach the Pinnacle

There are many things to do in Infinity Nikki, and as a dress-up game, much of i trevolves around fashion and stylistic choices. One feature that’s ever-changing and evolving is the Mira Crown Pinnacle styling contest. 

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The contest regularly refreshes, constantly changing the outfits you need to don to get top marks in styling contests against a larger-than-life sentient mirror. It can all seem a little overwhelming at first, but here’s what you need to know.

How to unlock Mira Crown styling challenges

Portal to the Mira Crown styling contest in Infinity Nikki
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The Mira Crown and Pinnacle Styling Challenges are unlocked simultaneously once you reach Mira level 25. Once you reach that point, check the messages on your Pear-Pal, because you’ll have a message from Dada inviting you to complete the quest “The Mira Crown Styling Contest.”

To complete this quest, head to the Florawish Stylist Guid and talk to Violetta on the upper floor, close to the shattered mirror in the back. She’ll explain the story and mechanics of the contest, but you should be pretty clued in on how it all works by this point. 

Once you’ve spoken to Violetta, you’ll get a new shortcut on your Pear-Pal that you can use to enter the Mira Crown from now on. Once you’ve completed the first two basic Mira Crown challenges, you can compete in the Pinnacle Contest. 

How does the Pinnacle Contest work in Infinity Nikki?

Pinnacle Contest in Infinity Nikki
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While the Mira Crown features a selection of 15 styling challenges to complete just once, the Pinnacle Contest works differently. 

The Pinnacle Contest gets updated regularly, usually with regular planned major updates, and there are an ever-changing set of demands to meet when trying to get your hands on all of the goodies available. 

As with any styling challenge in Infinity Nikki, you’ll need to pay attention to the type of outfits you need to wear to score big points and remember to evolve your clothing items and Eureka to ensure a high score. 

Pinnacle Contest details for January 23 – February 13 

Pinnacle Contest stages in Infinity Nikki
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Between January 23 and February 13, there are eight rounds of the Pinnacle Contest to work through to get Diamonds, Bling, Sparklite, and Shiny Bubbles. While each round has its unique theme to follow, there is one overall perk active for the event. 

During this time period, any Eurekas equipped during the eight styling challenges will have their scores boosted by 50%, which is really helpful to help tip your chosen outfits over the edge. Remember to upgrade your Eurekas as much as possible, and pay regular visits to the Realm of Eureka to unlock new and more appropriate Eurekas for each outfit tag. 

While it’s hard to say which outfits will serve you best, as it depends on what you have at your disposal and which you’ve decided to upgrade, here are some overall pointers to help you glide through all eight rounds with ease:

  • Make sure to fully upgrade and enhance one outfit for all five main tags. This is an expensive endeavor, but it will serve you well during this contest.
  • While you’re at it, fully upgrade appropriate Eureka for each tag as well. This is easier than upgrading outfits, as you can repeatedly dive into the Realm of Eureka.
  • Don’t worry about aiming for perfection during every round, you can alway go back later when you’ve upgraded outfits.

Here are all eight rounds of the Pinnacle Contest this time around, along with what outfit and Eureka are best for each tag. Remember, your most useful outfits may vary wildly from those listed here. The best item in each category of the wardrobe will always be listed first, so it’s a good idea to construct an outfit from those items.

Round nameTagBest OutfitIdeal Eureka
Glimmer in the NightElegantFairytale SwanRayplume
Moonlight SerenadeFreshBlossoming StarsWind’s Rhythm
Guardian of the NightCoolMoment CapturerMasked Magic
Lost Butterfly TracesSexyFlutter StormHeart Kiss
All-Night RevelrySweetBlooming DreamsFirst Snow
Flying HighCool
Moment Capturer
Blooming Dreams
First Snow
Wind’s Rhythm
Fireworks RomanceElegant
Fairytale Swan
Moment Capturer
Masked Magic
Endless JoyFresh
Blossoming Stars
Blooming Dreams
Wind’s Rhythm
First Snow

Rewards for the Pinnacle Contest in Infinity Nikki

Pinnacle Contest rewards in Infinity Nikki
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It’s safe to say that resources are always sought after in Infinity Nikki, and if you’re running low on the basics, then the Pinnacle Contest is a great way to stock up.

For each round that you manage to successfully clear, you’ll receive rewards of:

  • 20,000 – 60,000 Bling
  • 30 – 120 Diamonds
  • 20 – 60 Shiny Bubbles
  • 80 Sparklite

How to spend Sparklite in Infinity Nikki

Sparklite Store in Infinity Nikki
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Sparklite is a unique type of currency rewarded for successfully completing both the Wishfield: Styling Contest rounds and the Pinnacle Contest rounds. This can then be spent in the Sparklite Store, found in the lower-left corner of the Contest interface.

In the store, you can buy the following resources:

ResourceCostMonthly limit
Resonite Crystal120 Sparklite3 per month
Revelation Crystal120 Sparklite3 per month
Bling x10,00020 Sparklite99 per month
Bling x20,00020 Sparklite10 per month
Shiny Bubbles x6010 Sparklite5 per month
Shining Particles x2510 Sparklite5 per month
Thread of Purity x6010 Sparklite10 per month

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.