Issue #10 of the Archie Mega Man series is on its way to subscribers as we speak, but if you feel like being a dirty little sneak, you can scope an unfinished page from issue #11! It’s almost like cheating!
In the gallery below, you’ll find the full page as penciled by Ben Bates, the current arc’s artist. Before the backgrounds, before the color, before the inks, you’ve got the art in its most raw form. It’s a nifty behind-the-scenes look at the comic process, and it helps you to appreciate the final product even more.
I have to admit that I’m shocked at how often Mega has been getting schooled in the last few issues. He’s even having a tough time against Air Man, of all people! And the Leaf Shield was the first weapon he acquired, so I don’t know what his deal is. He needs to get his head back in the game.
Published: Feb 9, 2012 10:30 am