Those droves of enemies had families…
Ready to cut through legions of Zelda opponents a la Dynasty Warriors? Tecmo Koei’s Hyrule Warriors is releasing in Japan for Wii U this summer, according to a document recently released by Nintendo. As far as how long it’ll be until we can get our hands on the game, well, that’s to be determined.
Hyrule Warriors looks as though it could be a big bounty of silly fun, but I can’t help thinking that it’s going to be one of those titles I sit down with for an hour or two and then shelve for something decidedly meatier. It’s an interesting route to take familiar characters and the Zelda universe in, however, and I’ll be following it upon its eventual Western release, whenever that may be.
For now, we’ll have to be content with whatever scraps are thrown at us after Hyrule Warriors‘ summer debut in Japan.
Hyrule Warriors hits Japan this summer [Polygon]
Published: May 8, 2014 02:00 am