Updated: July 15, 2024
Searched for new codes.
Start your Hunter journey in this tribute game based on Hunter x Hunter. From Whale Island to YorkNew City, make your body stronger, become the greatest Hunter, and make Netero proud. Just like Gon, you are gonna need a bit of help. Luckily, we have Hunter x Anomaly codes.
When you redeem Hunter x Anomaly codes, you can get helpful boosts in your Hatsu, clan rerolls, and lots of Jenny. Just make sure to redeem all the codes before they expire because they won’t be around forever! If you can’t get enough of shonen games, check out our Fairy Tail: Magic Era codes article for more free goodies!
All Hunter x Anomaly codes list
Active Hunter x Anomaly codes
- Update9—Redeem for Clan Reroll (New)
- BugFixes—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll (New)
- RemovedAllTypes—Redeem for Potential Reroll (New)
- YasuraIsUpcoming—Redeem for Potential Reroll (New)
- Update10GonnaBeBig—Redeem for Clan Reroll (New)
- HugePeople—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll (New)
- ChiefQuief—Redeem for Nen Color (New)
- Update8—Redeem for All Rerolls
- BugFix7—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- WeAreBackFr—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- Chiefsucks??—Redeem for Potential Reroll
- BakanaIsMe—Redeem for All Rerolls
- ChiefIsGoated—Redeem for All Rerolls
- WompWomp—Redeem for Potential Reroll
- Shuttingddownpeople—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- Balances—Redeem for Nen Color
- BugFix6—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- Update7.5—Redeem for All Rerolls
- WaitForTheUpdate—Redeem for All Rerolls
- LeaveMeAlone—Redeem for All Rerolls
- AlmostUpdate7.5—Redeem for All Rerolls
- Pushing30s—Redeem for All Rerolls (works only on new servers)
- FixedInfParry—Redeem for All Rerolls
- SORRYFORSD—Redeem for All Rerolls
- BugFix5—Redeem for All Rerolls
- KiteCodeRemade—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- HalfOfUpdate7ComingSoonSORRY—Redeem for All Rerolls
- Kite—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- 1Milvisits—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- Crazyslots—Redeem for Potential Reroll
- Update7—Redeem for Nen Color
- ThanksChief—Redeem for All Rerolls
- SorryForTheEXADMINV2—Redeem for All Rerolls
- BugFixesAwesome—Redeem for Reroll
- MeganCheese—Redeem for Reroll
- SoSorry—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- Tails!—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- Mounts?!—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- Update6!—Redeem for Potential Reroll
- Antking!—Redeem for Potential Reroll
- Ant!—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- FameIsOutNow—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- RevertedStats—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- SorryForTheWait—Redeem for Potential Reroll
- HereAsOurSorry—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- TYFOR1K—Redeem for Nen clan Reroll
- Rage!—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- Zeno!—Redeem for Clan Reroll
- Hunt!—Redeem for Natural Potential
- Dragons!—Redeem for Natural Potential
- Update5!—Redeem for Natural Potential
- 700KLIKES!—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- 600KLIKES!—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- 500KLIKES!—Redeem for Hatsu Reroll
- RerollMyAuraPlz!—Redeem for an Aura reroll
- ChiefIsAwesome!—Redeem for 100,000 Jenny
- LysolStinks!—Redeem for a Harsu boost
- SorryForTheDelay!—Redeem for a Potential boost
- NenKillerDropped!—Redeem for 10,000 Jenny
- VampKingMv!—Redeem for a Clan reroll
Expired Hunter x Anomaly codes
- IHateCyrusck!
- CyrusckHater!
- Godspeed!
- FlameReworkNow!
- NenKillerDelay!
- BakanaSaveUs!
- ChiefSmells!
- MvTheGoat!
- MajorBugFix!
- ThanksLysolForHelping!
- GoodLuckOnHatsu!
- SorryForBugs!
Related: Kaizen codes
How to redeem codes in Hunter x Anomaly
Redeeming codes in Hunter x Anomaly is as simple as playing gungi. Follow our instructions to get your rewards in seconds:

- Launch Hunter x Anomaly on Roblox.
- Press the cogwheel icon in the top-right corner.
- From the drop-down menu, choose the Codes button.
- Enter your codes in the Code Here text box.
- Press the Submit button and get your freebies!
How to get more codes in Hunter x Anomaly
If you want the latest Hunter x Anomaly codes, bookmark the article using CTRL and D on your keyboard. We do all the heavy lifting and search for new codes every day, so you don’t have to.
However, if you want to look for freebies on your own, you can check the developer’s Roblox group Hunter X Anomaly and the Hunter x Anomaly Discord server.
Why are my Hunter x Anomaly codes not working?
Remember to double-check spelling when entering Hunter x Anomaly codes. They can contain numbers, letters (uppercase and lowercase), and special characters that are hard to read, and that’s usually how typos happen. To avoid this, you can copy the codes from this article and directly paste them into the game. It would be best if you did this as soon as possible because nobody knows when the codes will expire. It takes a mere second for treasure to turn to trash.
Other ways to get free rewards in Hunter x Anomaly
Besides redeeming Hunter x Anomaly codes, you should get boosts by playing the game, working out, and meditating. This will boost your base stats and grant you potential rerolls once your stats are high enough! For more free rewards, keep an eye on potential giveaways and special events on official social media.
What is Hunter x Anomaly?
Hunter x Anomaly is an open-world Roblox game that tributes the hit series Hunter x Hunter. Explore the HxH world from the Hunter Exam to the Chimera Ant arc. Just like Killua, you will need to unlock your Hatsu and develop it slowly but surely by progressing through the world and doing quests. Be the strongest Hunter, and who knows—maybe even get a seat on the Dark Continent!
If you want even more freebies for your other games, look through our Roblox Codes section here on Destructoid and nab all the codes before they expire!
Published: Jul 15, 2024 04:46 am