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How to use Pal Souls in Palworld

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When playing Palworld for the first time, it’s not exactly obvious what you’re supposed to do with Pal Souls. However, these overlooked items can be used to beef up your Pals or improve their efficiency as workers at your base. 

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The Statue of Power

These statues, modelled after the Pal Anubis, allow you to do the following things:

  • Enhance player stats (by increasing capture power)
  • Enhance Pals

Enhancing player stats is done by exchanging Lifmunk Effigies, while enhancing Pals is done by exchanging Pal Souls. 

There are a few Statues of Power littered across Palpagos, the nearest one to the beginning area being at Desolate Church. However, as part of building your base, you can unlock your very own Statue of Power via the Technology Ladder at level 6. Once you’ve built it on your base, you can use it at any time. 

Where to get Pal Souls

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There are three types of Pal Souls – Small, Medium and Large. Each of these Souls drops from different Pals upon defeat, either through death or by being captured, so it’s worth remembering who drops what. They can also be contained within Treasure Chests that you find while exploring.

Small Pal Souls

Small Pal Souls can be obtained by defeating the following Pals or their Alpha variants:

  • Daedream 
  • Nox
  • Cawgnito
  • Maraith
  • Tombat 
  • Felbat

Of the three types of Souls, Small Pal Souls are the only type which can be found at random in the wild as a treasure which glints on the floors (like Pal Spheres or materials). 

Medium Pal Souls

Medium Pal Souls only drop from Helzephyr, including the Alpha variant, when it is killed or captured. They can also be found in Treasure Chests across Palpagos or in Dungeons. 

Large Pal Souls

Large Pal Souls are arguably the hardest to find, as they drop from only three Pals (or their Alpha variants) and they’re all above level 47:

  • Anubis
  • Necromus
  • Frostallion

However, there are ways around this. For example, you could breed Anubis fairly easily and butcher him in order to obtain the Large Pal Souls. As well as this, Large Pal Souls can be found in Treasure Chests. 

How to use Pal Souls

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Once you’ve gotten your hands on some Pal Souls, head over to your Statue of Power and press V (on keyboard) to access the Enhance Pals menu. At the top of this menu, you’ll see a total of how many Pal Souls you currently have. 

Choose a Pal that you’d like to beef up, click on them and you’ll see the following options:

  • Max Health
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Work Speed

Each stat can be increased 10 times, up to a total of 30%, and every step will cost you more, or more valuable, Pal Souls in order to achieve.

Here’s how many Souls each step will cost you:

Percentage increasePal Souls required
3%1 Small Pal Soul
6%2 Small Pal Souls
9% 3 Small Pal Souls
12% 4 Small Pal Souls
15% 1 Medium Pal Soul
18%2 Medium Pal Souls
21% 3 Medium Pal Souls
24%1 Large Pal Soul
27%2 Large Pal Souls
30%3 Large Pal Souls

Can you get Pal Souls back?

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Yes, but at a cost. 

To you reset your expenditure of Souls, you’ll need to spend your Gold. You can’t reset just one stat either, you’ll need to reset everything and depending on which level of increase you achieved, the cost can skyrocket. 

Here’s how much it will cost you to reset your stats:

Level reachedCost to restore Souls
3%1,000 Gold
6%3,000 Gold
9%6,000 Gold
12%10,000 Gold
15%15,000 Gold
18%21,000 Gold
21%28,000 Gold
24%36,000 Gold
27%45,000 Gold
30%55,000 Gold

Remember, this is for each stat. So if you’ve maxed out both Attack and Defense, you’re going to have to pay 110,000 Gold in order to retrieve the Souls that you used to do so.

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.