Cyberpunk 2077 expansion Phantom Liberty

How to start Phantom Liberty in Cyberpunk 2077

Where to kick off your spy-thriller experience in Dogtown.

With the Phantom Liberty expansion for Cyberpunk 2077 live, you’ve got a reason to head back to Night City. And whether you’re a new face on the streets or a returning runner, there are a few ways you can go about starting the content.

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While you can go about it a few ways, there are a few things to know going into the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty expansion, including how you start it and for how long you’re locked in it. Here’s all the info.

When can you start Phantom Liberty in Cyberpunk 2077?

There are two ways of getting into the Phantom Liberty content in Cyberpunk 2077. For those who have a save file, you can just boot up your game and pick up the quest once it arrives. The quest in question, Dog Eat Dog, arrives after V gets a mysterious call from a prominent character.

The quest Dog Eat Dog will only appear once you’re contacted, which looks to be after the quest “Transmission”, part of the netrunning story. If you have a save file from the endgame or right before the point-of-no-return, you’ll pick the quest up pretty fast.

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Alternatively, you can choose to skip ahead and head straight for Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty, without either loading an old game or starting a fresh one. This jumps you ahead to somewhere after the events of Act 1, allowing V to instantly access both the base game content and Phantom Liberty. The player can still use the character creator, pick a difficulty, and opt for a lifepath, and will start at level 20 with pre-selected gear and attributes. You can also use the “reset attributes” option in the menu for one free reset.

An important note if you pick the skip-ahead option: Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty will make a choice for you surrounding the quests “I Walk the Line” and “Transmission.” While V can choose to side with the Voodoo Boys or Netwatch in the normal story, picking the skip-ahead will default to V siding with Netwatch. Keep that in mind if you want the jump-forward.

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty
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Where does Phantom Liberty start in Cyberpunk 2077?

Once you’ve received the call from Songbird or skipped ahead, follow the quest marker to a location near Pacifica. Batty’s Hotel is a good nearby fast travel point.

From here, you’ll enter through a side entrance and make your way into Dogtown. Be prepared, as once you’re in Dogtown, you’ll be locked to that location for a little while as you play the early parts of Phantom Liberty‘s story.

But once you’ve seen events play out and the title card hit, congratulations! You’re in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.

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Image of Eric Van Allen
Eric Van Allen
Senior Editor
Senior Editor - While Eric's been writing about games since 2014, he's been playing them for a lot longer. Usually found grinding RPG battles, digging into an indie gem, or hanging out around the Limsa Aethryte.