Certain quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2 require you to complete them in a set amount of time. Prey for the Pack, where you must rescue a young boy, Rodge, who was dragged away by wolves, is one of them. I managed to do it without it expiring, and I can help you do the same. Here’s where you can find Rodge in Dragon’s Dogma 2, along with how to complete Prey for the Pack in time.

How to start Prey for the Pack in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Prey for the Pack begins in Checkpoint Rest Town on the extreme west side of Vermund. The sundries store in town is Morris’s Apothecary. If you wander over there, you’ll find a conversation there where Morris tells you of his worry over his grandson having gone missing.
You aren’t given much to go on. The person delivering the news doesn’t know where he is but suggests someone in town might know.

Where is Rodge in Dragon’s Dogma 2? Completing Prey for the Pack
Rodge is in Putrid Cave, but as most things go in Dragon’s Dogma 2, the game isn’t holding your hand to go find him. So, let’s break it down.
Go to the square near the gate of the Checkpoint Rest Town and locate the well. Two NPCs, Jacint and Alsa, have clues about Rodge’s location. Alsa makes a cryptic comment about glowing flowers, while Jacint notes Rodge tended a flowerbed on the outskirts of town. This will, fortunately, be marked on your map.
If you take the road east, you can find the assumed area where Rodge had a flowerbed. It has tombstones. I had to fight a Griffin. Then after night fell, it was a damned Lich. You don’t need to fight them, however. In fact, you may not even need to visit Rodge’s flowerbed.
What you’re looking for here are those glowing flowers. There are patches of them growing on the ground, but those aren’t important. Instead, if you look carefully, there are areas where petals from those flowers are scattered that lead over the river and down the road. You need to follow these.
The petals will take you a long distance from town, perhaps more than you were expecting. They mainly stick to the main road, but eventually, they’ll diverge and lead you south through a cave. Keep following them south, and you’ll find yet another cave. This one has a name: Putrid Cave. It’s not a very deep cave system, and it only goes one way and terminates in a small room filled with wolves and Rodge.
Dispatch the wolves and speak to Rodge. He’ll follow you. Now comes the easy part. Just lead him back to Morris’s apothecary in town. He’ll walk off to the side, and then his grandfather will start talking to you and provide you a reward.
I can’t say what happens if you don’t complete this quest in time. Hopefully, by following this guide for Prey for the Pack, you won’t find out either.
Published: Mar 21, 2024 11:01 pm