It’s hard not to trip over the first coffin in Vampire Survivors’ new Ode to Castlevania map. It’s practically sitting right next to the door. The second one, on the other hand, requires you to do a bit more looking. I’ve got you covered. I did all the wall-humping so you don’t have to.
The first coffin on the map will net you your first Belmont (presumably), family progenitor Leon Belmont (Lament of Innocence). He is easily the Belmont with the most well-maintained hair. I didn’t know such conditioner existed back in the 11th Century.
The second coffin is, in my opinion, more exciting. It contains the family’s most modern vampire hunter, Julius Belmont. He first appeared in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrows before returning in its immediate sequel, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows. He was also a playable character in the multi-player spin-off, Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.
He’s not even the main character in the Sorrows games. But do you know how badass he is? He beat Dracula, but for real. In 1999, he and Alucard defeated Dracula and sealed his castle in a solar eclipse; no more coming back every 100 years for him. 900 years of conflict ended by this dude.
But enough about who he is, let’s get into how you can unlock him in Vampire Survivors.

How to get the second coffin in Ode to Castlevania
The second coffin is in the area that is unlocked after you defeat the Puppet Master boss and get the Scorpion Gate. The area is a library, with (not literally) endless rows of bookcases. If you have the map and you look at it while in this area, you can see the question mark in an area south of the entrance. However, it’s in a grey area that does not really show on the map.
There’s no visible door to the area with the second coffin. To get into the hidden area, you need to look to the far right of that spot on the map. If we’re starting from the bottom, the entrance between the first and second bookcase. You’ll see a bloodstain on the wall. Simply push against it to enter the area.

When you reach the coffin, touching it will create a circle of enemies. Defeat them, then touch the coffin to release Julius Belmont to your collection of heroes. While you’re there, there’s also an Arma Dio to add a Passive Item to your stock and a boss you can take on.
He comes equipped with the Vanitas Whip. He starts with Arcana XIX: Heart of Fire. This means, he’s more powerful when his health is low. The Vanitas Whip evolves when paired with the Hollow Heart, and it’s… fine. Not the best whip, and the evolution isn’t really that great, but it gets the job done. I just wouldn’t prioritize it for your builds.
Published: Oct 31, 2024 06:00 am