I have very few critiques for Baldur’s Gate 3, but one is a lack of regular auto-saves. Thankfully, you can quick save at any time with just one button press. Here’s a complete guide on how to quick save and quick load in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Quick Save keybindings and controller bindings in Baldur’s Gate 3
Here are the default controls for quick saving and quick loading on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation in BG3:
Platform | Quick Save | Quick Load |
PC | F5 | F8 |
PlayStation | Open Pause Menu and press Y | Open Pause Menu and hold X |
Xbox | Open Pause Menu and press Triangle | Open Pause Menu and hold Square |
Once you press F5 or Y/Triangle in the pause menu while in a battle or in the middle of a field, BG3 will quick save following a few seconds of delay. Although you can quick load whenever you like on PC, doing so on consoles requires opening your pause menu first before holding X/Square. A quick button press isn’t enough for this particular mechanic.
However, you cannot quick save or load in an Honour Mode playthrough. You only have one save from Act One to the very end, and there is no way to reload and try again. Quick saving and loading only apply to regular Explorer, Balance, or Tactician modes.
Can you customize quick save and quick load settings in BG3?
If you’re not particularly fond of your keybindings on PC, you can change them through your options menu. To find the binding for quick save, pause the game and select “Options.” Next, go to the “Keybinds” tab. After that, scroll to the bottom to discover the Quick Save and Quick Load options nearby Pin Tooltip, Reactions, and Shove.
How to quick load in BG3
To quick load, press F8 or open your pause menu and hold X/Square. The game will instantly load up your most recent save, regardless of whether it’s a quick save or autosave. Unlike quick saving, this process is instant, so be careful not to press the wrong button. Make sure the key binding for quick load is somewhere your fingers can’t accidentally press.
Tips for using quick save and quick load
The best time to quick save and quick load in BG3 is before important conversations or boss fights. You can also save immediately after a tough section of a battle if you get a game-changing critical hit or succeed in a crucial dice roll. An early game example is quick saving after killing Dror Ragzlin and leaving yourself a safe load in case you die from his minions.
Generally speaking, any situation with high odds of failure is worth a quick save and load. If you’re engaging in dialogue and need to succeed in some sort of Persuasion, Deception, Intimidation, or other ability-related checks that you’re not proficient in, a quick save can help you if you fail the roll. This is especially important if you have multiple checks in one conversation.
However, combat is where quick saving and loading truly shine. There is nothing more disappointing than failing a 90 percent roll on an enemy, especially if that miss determines the outcome of the fight. On the flip side, it’s immensely satisfying when you succeed in a 10 percent roll on a hard-hitting attack that one-shots opponents. These moments are where Baldur’s Gate 3’s quick saving and loading mechanics will benefit you.
Published: Jan 23, 2025 08:53 am