After completing Mercy among Thieves, you’ll re-encounter Hugo during Dragon’s Dogma 2 Off the Pilfered Path. Like many quests, this one may be confusing to complete, mainly if you haven’t achieved its pre-requisite missions.
How to Complete Off the Pilfered Path in Dragon’s Dogma 2
The Off the Pilfered Path quest doesn’t provide much information, only showcasing the objective of “offering Hugo guidance.” Use a Makeshift Goal Key to unlock his cell for a quick solution. Nonetheless, this will result in an all-out fight with the guards. To avoid conflict, it’s best to talk to the character, Brefft, who requires a certain quest.
For this route, complete Tolled to Rest first, involving the Ancient Battleground Key, as it triggers the appearance of Brefft in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You may also need the Battahl resident permit from Ser Menella’s Nation of Lambent Flame quest (Rockmouse’s Burrow). Without it, Bakbattahl Gaol Guardhouse guards can attack you on sight.
Although there is an option to get Hugo out through bribery, it doesn’t seem to get you anywhere, based on my experience and other players. I spoke to the guard and head gaoler to bribe them, but nothing happened, no matter how many days passed. What does work, however, is the discussion with Brefft. If you’ve completed the Shadowed Prayers quest, Herman will tell you that someone in the gaol (aka Brefft) knows valuable information.
Even if Herman provides the hint, Brefft won’t show up without the Tolled to Rest mission. Otherwise, another character will take his place for the time being. Take a left near Hugo’s prison, and a dialogue scene will commence.

Keep talking to Brefft until you receive a notification: “You learned of the Coral Snakes’ new hideout.” Then, speak to Hugo again to tell him this new information. Check back with him the next day, and a guard explains that he has just broken out. Hugo can be found near the Ancient Battleground, but you must get there quickly to save him. Go to the top of the battlegrounds to locate and defeat Lanzo.
Upon Lanzo’s defeat, Hugo will appear and it’s up to you on whether you want to assist him or not. I went with helping the poor guy out by giving him a job.
What job to give Hugo in Dragon’s Dogma 2 Off the Pilfered Path
When Hugo escapes jail, he will still need help in looking for a job. The only known careers he can do is Isaac’s Wares and Rose Chateau Bordelrie. For the former, you must complete Short-Sighted Ambition, which can be unlocked when speaking to the merchant at Isaac’s Wares in Bakbattahl. It comes with some risks, though, since the option to give Hugo this job requires the bad outcome of the quest.
That means you must give Isaac the real copy of Transference of Souls Tomes. It’s a fairly sad outcome, but it at least progressed the Off the Pilfered Path quest. On the other hand, some players were able to give Hugo a career at the Bordelrie, presumably after completing Every Rose Has Its Thorn. Whatever option you go with, speak to Hugo at the Ancient Battleground and select the one you’ve unlocked.

Once Hugo’s all settled, go check on him to see how he’s faring. While the Borderlie doesn’t provide too much rewards with Hugo, Isaac’s Wares offers discounts for the shop.
Published: Mar 25, 2024 05:55 pm