In Starfield, the search for a better ship never ends. You can buy them, steal them, and, in the case of the Star Eagle, get them for free. To get your hands on this fantastic ship, you’ll need to make your way to Akila City and throw in your lot with the Freestar Collective. Wrap up some missions for them, and the rewards will be great.
How to get the Star Eagle ship in Starfield
To get the Star Eagle ship, you will need to head to Akila and complete the Freestar Collective quest. The first thing you will need to do is play through the story until you reach Akila City. You will go there as part of a quest for Constellation member Sam Coe. While you can jump ahead and visit Akila in the Cheyenne system whenever you like, it is a good idea to do all these steps at once as they tie in together nicely. Go to Akila with Sam and then talk down the bank robbers. You can now either finish up Sam’s mission and get back to your usual companion or just bring him with you on this ship-earning adventure.

After you wrap things up with the bank robbers, the Marshall will advise you to head to the Rock Bar and potential Freestar Collective membership. Talk to a character there by the name of Emma Wilcox, and she will ask if you want to take on the responsibility of Freestar members. If you do, it will not interfere with any other faction you might be part of, like the Vanguard. The first thing you will need to do is grab a mission of your choosing from a nearby mission terminal. Most of these will involve hunting down pirates, so grab whatever takes your fancy and then complete it.
Up next is a trip to Waggoner Farm with Emma Wilcox. Here, you will need to find a bunch of ruffians who have been causing problems. This will entail following their tracks through a dangerous canyon filled with alien beasts, so bring plenty of ammo and med packs. When you reach the camp, speak with the leader, but it’s destined to turn bloody, and you will need to put them all down. After that, head back to Akila City and speak with the Marshall.

Your next stop will be Hope Town, where they make some of the best ships in the system. After dropping into orbit above it, you will find Nia Kalu, a fellow ranger, has been set upon by bandits. Dock with her ship, then assist her by repairing the three broken systems. Once that is done, follow the three bandits and take them all out, then make your way to Hope Town. In Hope Town, you will have some investigating to do, so get through the rest of the quest, that includes a couple of larger missions for the Freestar Collective
These are the Surgical Strike and On The Run missions, and they’ll get you the evidence you need to bring back to Hope Town. Eventually, you will earn yourself the Star Eagle as a thank-you from your Ranger friends. Don’t forget to grab a cowboy hat before you start flying it, as it will just match the theme.
Published: Sep 4, 2023 08:32 am