The Leprechaun Hat in Stardew Valley
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How to get the Leprechaun Hat in Stardew Valley

Out there somewhere is a Leprechaun looking for his hat

There’s a lot of little hidden secrets in Stardew Valley and not all of them are signposted. One new item added with the 1.6 update is the Leprechaun Hat. This can be found on a specific day, in a specific place and while it’s purely cosmetic, it might bring you the luck o’ the Irish.

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We all need a little more luck in Stardew Valley, whether you’re heading down to the Mines in search of Mystery Boxes or just want to increase your chances of catching the fish that’s so far eluded you, luck is a huge thing in Stardew Valley. While the Leprechaun Hat doesn’t actually do anything to increase your luck stats, we can all benefit from a good placebo effect. If you believe you’re lucky, maybe you will be. 

Where to find the Leprechaun Hat in Stardew Valley

Location of the Leprechaun Hat in Stardew Valley
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You won’t be able to find the Leprechaun Hat on any day other than the 17th of Spring. On this day, head to Cindersap Forest and keep going South until you reach the Hat Mouse’s house (or the Abandoned House, if you haven’t got your first achievement just yet). 

Once you’re there, go East until you reach the waterfall. On the cliff above the waterfall, you’ll see a pot of gold, accompanied by a Rainbow. Because of course, where else would you expect to find a Leprechaun Hat other than inside a pot of gold?

Interacting with this pot of gold will reward you not only with the Leprechaun Hat, but also 200 Gold, so now you’re a little bit richer and sporting a very fun hat.

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.