These guys again. The Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Grasslands region has fallen into the hands of Beck’s Badasses, who make a reappearance from Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Getting it back is a chore. Here’s how to do it.

Phenomenon Intel 1: Wild Bandit Chase
The Grasslands Protorelic quest starts in the very northeast of the Grasslands at a rather hard-to-miss lighthouse. Once you climb it, you’ll run into Beck’s Badasses. They’ll, uh, act like jackasses for a while. Afterward, Beck will run off, and you’ll be left to fight Butch, Burke, and Burt.
That’s it. Win the fight, and you’ll get nothing. That’s not true, you’ll get the next destination. Off you go!

Phenomenon Intel 2: One Badass Barbecue
I hate to tell you this, but the second part of this bandit chase is a forced stealth section. It’s not very hard, unless you had a lot of trouble with sneaking up on Piko the Chocobo. The mechanics are the same here. You wait until the thugs aren’t looking in your direction, then move to the next bit of cover you find.
Once you confront the group, Beck will again make his escape with the Protorelic. I’m sure you see where this is going.

Phenomenon Intel 3: Diversionary Tactics
The third part of this journey isn’t so different from the first. However, before the fight, they’ll play a game with you where you need to choose what thug is holding the Protorelic. It’s pretty obvious, as you can see a sparkle behind the back of the person holding it. Even if you’re correct, you’re going into combat.
After your fight, you’re going to need to saddle up on your Chocobo and go sniffing for where they buried the key to their base. There’s a mound of dirt and a shovel in the corner of the warehouse, but that’s not where it’s buried. You’ll actually find it outside.
Leave the warehouse on your Chocobo, press up to sniff to find the location of the key, then walk to the spot and press down to dig it up.

Phenomenon Intel 4: Taking Care of Business
Time for the showdown. When you arrive at the base, the Badasses are playing dead. You wake them up by throwing a switch on the side wall of the shed.
The bad news is that you won’t just be fighting Beck’s Badasses here. They have a Sweeper to protect them. If you played Final Fantasy 7 Remake, you fought plenty of these things. It can be pressured with lightning magic.
Once you’ve beaten the Badasses, they’ll claim that it’s time they’re planning to go straight and become legitimate businessmen. Before then, however, you’ll finally be able to claim the Protorelic.
Published: Feb 28, 2024 11:01 pm