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How to get The Big Three Soul in Anime Spirits

Extremely powerful

The Big Three Soul is one of the best additions as part of the latest update in Anime Spirits, and you won’t want to miss out on it.

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Whether you’re a fan of anime in general or play the game in a hardcore fashion, the new Soul is just too powerful to skip. The process of unlocking it can be a bit hard, but knowing the steps will ease the process.

How to obtain The Big Three Soul in Anime Spirits

To begin unlocking this Soul, you’ll have to defeat two bosses in West City. The first one will be The Big Three Boss (Super Variant), and the next one will be the Luffy Gear 5 World Boss.

You can meet The Big Three Boss (Super Variant) at The Big Three Dungeon, and defeating him isn’t difficult. Both bosses have a 5% chance of dropping this soul, so it’s best to grind the two bosses a fair few times. Even if you don’t get the Soul, you’ll still end up finding a lot of valuable items, including Gear5Luffo’s Scroll and BaryonNarudo’s Scroll. The former can be found by defeating the Luffy Gear 5 World Boss, while the latter is obtained from The Big Three Boss (Super Variant).

These two items will be required to awaken the Soul when you eventually find it. The Big Three Soul can be awakened at the Awakener NPC in West City, and it will unlock the full set of abilities.

The Big Three Soul abilities in Anime Spirits

Here’s a full breakdown of all the abilities and what they do inside the game.

  • Bajrang Gun (E): A massive fist drops from the sky, crashing down into the enemies. It’s infused with dark energy, and nukes the enemy, along with adding damage over time.
  • Baryon Strike (Z): Fires a massive blast of fire that does heavy damage within the radius.
  • True Getsuga Tensho (X): Performs a mighty sword swing that does AoE-based energy damage multiple times.
  • Fused Rasengan (C): Release a Charged Rasengan that flies forward and deals damage upon exploding. Anyone getting struck by the blast will receive continuous damage.
  • Gear 5: Horn of Baryon (V): Transform to The Big Three form, which applies a 251% damage buff on all your abilities.
  • Ultimate Big Three Attack (T): The Big Three characters will surround the enemy and unleash their ultimate. It does a massive amount of damage to anyone within the blast radius.

The abilities make it pretty essential for you to awaken The Big Three Soul as soon as you can in Anime Spirits.

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