Dwarf Scrolls in Stardew Valley
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How to get all Dwarf Scrolls in Stardew Valley

Don't tell the elf.

Once you’ve unlocked the Mines in Stardew Valley, you’ll encounter a new NPC who cannot be communicated with. This is the Dwarf, and eventually you’ll be able to befriend him and access his shop, but you’ll have to put some effort in before then. 

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There’s something of a communication barrier between you and the Dwarf at first, namely the fact that you don’t understand Dwarvish. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn, you just need to find and study all of his scrolls first. 

Learning how to speak Dwarvish will also allow you to talk to the Dwarf in the Volcano Dungeon on Ginger Island, and to read the rightmost gravestone in the Graveyard.

How to find all Dwarf Scrolls in Stardew Valley

Inside the Mines in Stardew Valley
Screenshot by Destructoid

There are four Dwarf Scrolls in total, and they can all be found within the Mines. Each scroll has a different colored ribbon and once you’ve found each scroll, you’ll need to donate it to the Museum. When you’ve donated all four scrolls, you’ll miraculously be able to speak Dwarvish. If only learning languages in real life were that easy. 

Dwarf Scroll I

The first of the Dwarf Scrolls has a red ribbon, and can be found in the following ways:

  • Tilling in the Mines or Skull Cavern using the Hoe on any floor (0.16% chance)
  • Killing any of the following Monsters within the Mines (0.5% chance per kill):
    • Bat 
    • Bug
    • Cave Fly
    • Duggy
    • Green Slime
    • Grub
    • Rock Crab
    • Stone Golem

Dwarf Scroll II

The second Dwarf Scroll has a green ribbon, and can be found by doing the following:

  • Tilling in the Mines between floors 1 and 29 (0.1% chance)
  • Killing any of the following monsters within the Mines (0.5% chance per kill):
    • Blue Slime
    • Dust Sprite
    • Frost Bat
    • Ghost

Dwarf Scroll III

The third Dwarf Scroll has a blue scroll and cannot be found from Tilling inside the Mines, unlike the previous two. If you want to get this scroll, each of the following monsters has a 0.5% chance to drop it when killed:

  • Any slime
  • Lava Bat
  • Lava Crab
  • Squid Kid
  • Shadow Brute
  • Shadow Shaman
  • Metal Head
  • Spider
  • Blue Squid

Dwarf Scroll IV

The final scroll comes with a yellow ribbon, and can be found using the following methods:

  • Tilling on any floor of the Mines below level 80 (0.2% chance)
  • Killing any monster within the Mines except the following (0.1% chance per kill):
    • Skeleton
    • Serpent
    • Wilderness Golem
    • Carbon Ghost
    • Iridium Bat
    • Iridium Crab
    • Haunted Skull

If you’re stuck looking for either Dwarf Scroll ! or IV, then it’s handy to know that there is a patch of tillable soil close to the elevator on floor 95. Descending to this floor repeatedly and tilling this patch of floor is a good way to farm for both scrolls if you’re missing them from your collection.

Everything sold at the Dwarf’s Shop in Stardew Valley

The Dwarf in the Mines in Stardew Valley
Screenshot by Destructoid

Now that you’ve learned how to speak Dwarvish, you’ll be able to befriend him and you’ll also have access to his shop. The items he sells are always the same, and they’re especially useful for future adventures within the Mines.

Here’s everything you can get from the Dwarf after you’ve learned how to speak his language:

ItemWhat it doesCost
Dwarvish Safety ManualWhen used, bombs will deal 25% less damage to you4,000 Gold
Big Stone Chest (Recipe)Allows you to craft a Stone Chest which can hold 70 different items5,000 Gold
Life ElixirRestores health to full when used2,000 Gold
Oil of GarlicWhen consumed, causes weaker monsters to avoid you3,000 Gold
Cherry BombGenerates a small explosion450 Gold
BombGenerates an explosion1,000 Gold
Mega BombGenerates a large explosion1,600 Gold
Miner’s TreatRestores 125 energy and 56 health when consumed1,000 Gold
Rarecrow #6A Scarecrow resembling a colorful Dwarf2,500 Gold
Stone CairnDecorate item200 Gold
Weathered Floor (Recipe)Allows you to craft Weathered Floor500 Gold

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.