Lingering Malady quest in Genshin Impact
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How to finish Lingering Malady quest in Genshin Impact

Better start gliding!

The Lingering Malady Genshin Impact quest takes you all around Mondstadt as you search for a missing billboard and posters. You’ll need to scour through the sky to find these objects on the roofs of this pretty city.

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Where to find the missing posters for Lingering Malady quest in Genshin Impact

You’ll likely have a “sweet smile” across your face as you explore Mondstadt to find these missing posters. The city is so gorgeous, after all. All three missing posters are on the roofs of these European-inspired buildings. Spawn at the fast-travel location on top of a tower near the statue. Take a glance at the mini-map.

Lost Poster 1 Genshin Impact
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Then glide near the cat-inspired and culinary symbols on the map. On the right-hand side, you’ll see some beige pieces of paper aid on a red brick roof. Pick them up to find the first set of missing posters. Getting to the roof can be difficult from the ground, but Venti‘s ability might give enough of an updraft to pull it off.

Lost Poster 2 in Mondstadt Genshin Impact
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The second missing poster is also nearby for this Lingering Malady Genshin Impact quest. Glide to the roof that’s above the crafting table. You’ll see the Merchant Poster on the left-hand side.

Lost Poster 3 Mondstadt Genshin Impact
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Thirdly, you’ll find the last missing poster near the Knights of Favonius Headquarters. It’s indicated by a shield symbol. Go to the nearest building from the HQ and you should find the missing poster there.

Genshin Impact billboard location Mondstadt
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Lingering Malady quest Billboard location

There’s one last part to the Lingering Malady Genshin Impact quest: searching for the lost billboard. Go just outside the bar/pub of Mondstadt and climb the grey wall that surrounds the city. On the bridge, you’ll find the billboard lying down by the edge of the wall.

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Image of Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell
Chris is a writer for multiple outlets, including Destructoid! He loves narrative games like Kingdom Hearts, Life is Strange, and Beyond Good & Evil. However, he does enjoy Fortnite and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from time to time.