Fisch Pickaxe location
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How to find the pickaxe in Fisch

Minecraft with Fishes?

The Northern Expedition update has introduced a fair share of new items in Fisch, and Pickaxe is something you should look to obtain as soon as possible.

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Like all new additions, you’ll need to travel to the Northern Summit to obtain the Pickaxe. However, it’s located pretty high in the mountains, and you’ll have to traverse some tough cliffs to get it. Let’s take a look at how you can obtain the Pickaxe in Fisch during the Northern Expedition celebrations.

How to get the Pickaxe in Fisch

For starters, you’ll need to travel to Northern Summit using a boat of your choice. Just go through the Northern Expedition portal and you’ll reach the island. You can access this portal from any island, but Sunstone appears to be the closest. Once you reach Northern Summit, take the path that goes to the left (you’ll notice a couple of yellow tents).

Follow the path, and you’ll use a couple of ladders to cross a few small icy foundations and gain access to the first cliff. Go up and keep traveling to the left, using the ladders. You can’t get confused, as this appears to be the only available path in this region.

After a couple more clips, you’ll come across a region with a yellow and an orange tent. Don’t go to the tent; keep going to the left using the marked path, then turn right. You’ll come across three ladders one after another; use them to get to the highest point possible.

Head straight, and you’ll come across a spot where the roads bifurcate into two: the main path heading left and a narrow cliff-side path to your right. Take the one to your right, and head straight. Be careful on this stretch since the path is extremely narrow. You’ll also need a glider as there’s a small gap in the path. If you don’t have a glider, you won’t be able to bridge this gap.

Once you are past this point, take the ladder to reach the Overgrowth Caves region. Use the ladder to go up, and then take the path to the left. You’ll find another ladder; use it to ascend and you’ll find a sitting NPC. Go past the NPC, and you’ll find two orange tents and a wooden box.

You can buy the Pickaxe from this box in exchange for C$5,000. In all likelihood, it will be used to mine certain items that will be required in future quests.

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