How to find enemy ships to fight in Starfield battle

How to find enemy ships to fight in Starfield

You lookin' for a fight?

After you’ve armed your flagship to the teeth in Starfield, it’s only natural you’d want to break in your guns by breaking a few Crimson Fleet boats. You will find plenty of enemy ships to fight in Starfield, but tracking them down is going to take some chance.

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Ways to find enemy ships to fight in Starfield

Jump around the galaxy and hope for some action

In my experience, your best bet to find enemy ships seems to be jumping around star systems and planets and hoping to find someone raring to fight. Keep an eye on your navigation map for ‘Hostile Activities’ as well. In some situations, you may jump right into the middle of an attack either aimed at you or a friendly vessel. For the latter, defending the ship results in its grateful captain offering you your pick of reward ranging from credits to ship repair parts.

How to find enemy ships to fight in Starfield rewards
Screenshot by Destructoid.

Accept bounty hunt quests

The United Colonies faction offers bounty hunting quests that allow you to find and fight enemy ships in Starfield. I suggest heading to the Sol star system to pay a visit to the Deimos Staryard near Mars. Not only is this one of the best places to service your ship or purchase a new one, it also has a Mission Board with bounty quests you can accept.

After you dock with the station, walk down the hall and take a left. Against the wall in front of you are a couple of kiosks that light up on approach. Activate the gray one on the right and look through the available missions. Many of the quests task you with hunting down a Crimson Fleet pirate ship and destroying it for a reasonable fee. The staryard isn’t the only place with these kiosks, so keep an eye out.

How to find enemy ships to fight in Starfield mission board
Screenshot by Destructoid.

What other rewards do you get for fighting enemy ships in Starfield?

Taking out enemy ships does result in some precious booty. As mentioned above, saving the bacon of a friendly vessel or two allows you to pick out several rewards. You can salvage the ships you’ve destroyed, often letting you fill your own storage with hard-won materials. Fighting ships can also improve the ranks of any unlocked ship combat skill such as Piloting or the weapon systems. But it’s probably best to do that as a member of the Vanguard. Using the Vanguard’s pilot simulator is a fantastic way to grind up ship skills while earning a bit of credits on the side.

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Image of Cameron Woolsey
Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.