How to cure corruption in Aloft
Image via Funcom

How to destroy the Corruption Nodes in Aloft

Destroy 'em all

As you begin your adventures on the island in Aloft and venture deeper inside, you’ll come across plenty of Corruption Nodes.

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These nodes will be pretty easily identifiable from the fungal and mushroom growth around them, and they will be your biggest hindrance in exploring the island. Thankfully, you’ll be able to get rid of them once you learn how to destroy them.

How to remove Corruption Nodes in Aloft

Nodes represent the focal point of the Corruption infesting the island. They’re pretty big, and the nodes have a bright yellow appearance. Spotting it isn’t difficult, but the mode of removal will depend on the kind of node.

A great way to destroy any Corruption Node will be to target the weak points and destroy the yellow bulb at the center. The weak points will usually be in the extending limbs. You can use any weapon to damage the limbs, but I prefer the Stone Axe.

Once you destroy all the weak points, you’ll be able to access the center of the fungi. Now, hit the center bulb to destroy it, and it will automatically cure the associated Corruption.

How to restore an Ecosystem in Aloft

Sometimes, curing corruption might not be enough, and you’ll have to clean the ecosystem. Until you do that, you won’t be able to complete the activities on that island or open any chest as well. In order to clean an ecosystem, you’ll need a Field Guide.

This item can be crafted on a Workbench with 2x Leaf Cloth, 1x Paper, and 1x Rope. You can check out the full list of all the available crafting recipes in Aloft. Once you have crafted a Field Guide, equip it from your inventory. Then, press the RMB to analyze the island.

This will allow you to know the current ecosystem health of the island you’re on. This will help you to get an idea about what’s fine about the island, and what you need to do. For example, you might have to plant more trees in order to rectify that specific island’s ecosystem health.

Ultimately, the requirements will vary based on the island you’re on, but always make sure to use a Field Guide and analyze to know what you have to do.

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