How to Ally with the Coven and find Gelena in Diablo 4

How to complete Ally with the Coven and find Gelena in Diablo 4

Look to the west

The new Diablo 4 Season 7, Season of Witchcraft, adds an all-new seasonal questline as well as a plethora of Witchcraft-themed powers you can acquire. In order to access the new content and powers, you first need to Ally with the Coven by seeking out the new Coven NPC Gelena in Diablo 4.

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Where to find Gelena in Diablo 4

At the start of Diablo 4 Season 7 you can find Gelena in the town of Geakul located on the western side of the map in the region of Kehjistan. This is actually the port that you visit at the beginning of the Vessel of the Hatred expansion that takes you to the new region of Nahantu.

Gelena can be found by the docks of Geakul, close to the Waypoint for the area. Upon teleporting to the Waypoint, simply look to your left and you should find Geakul standing there waiting to give you the first Coven quest of the Season of Witchcraft.

How to fix Gelena is not there bug

If you are unable to see Gelena, it means you never completed the Vessel of the Hatred or base Diablo 4 campaign. Check your Main Story Quests on the right side of the screen and see if you have any that are the color yellow. If so, that means you did not complete the Main Story Quest, and so the game is basically making you start all over on the new season.

Thankfully, you can login to your old character that you progressed through the campaign on and finish the questline, then re-create your Seasonal character for Diablo 4 Season 7 and you will have the option of starting with the questline completed. This will cause Gelena to spawn for you so you can start the Coven questline.

How to complete Ally with the Coven

In order to completely Ally with the Coven in Diablo 4 Season 7, you will need to farm the new Coven’s Favor reputation by completing Grim Favors which will earn you Grim Favors. Once you acquire 10 Grim Favors you can turn them in at the Tree of Whispers to get rewards as well as reset and allow you to acquire more. There are 20 Coven’s Favor ranks in total that each grant you exclusive rewards for achieving the rank in this season. Here are all the Diablo 4 Season 7 Coven’s Favor rewards:

1Restless Rot
(Magic Reputation Cache)
2Coven Parcel
(Common Reputation Cache)
3More Witchcraft
(Common Reputation Cache)
4Lesser Elements of Witchcraft
(Magic Reputation Cache)
5More Witchcraft
(Magic Reputation Cache)
6Lesser Elements of Witchcraft
(Magic Reputation Cache)
7More Witchcraft
(Magic Reputation Cache)
8Legendary Coven Crate
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
9Unique Coven Crate
(Unique Reputation Cache)
10Elements of Witchcraft
(Rare Reputation Cache)
11Lesser Elements of Nemesis
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
12Legendary Coven Crate
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
13Unique Coven Crate
(Unique Reputation Cache)
14Legendary Coven Crate
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
15Ancestral Coven Crate
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
16Greater Elements of Witchcraft
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
17Legendary Coven Crate
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
18Elements of Nemesis
(Legendary Reputation Cache)
19Legendary Coven Crate
(Unique Reputation Cache)
20Resplendent Coven Crate
(Mythic Unique Reputation Cache)

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Image of Steven Mills
Steven Mills
Staff Writer
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.