Bitlife allows you to live out your dreams, no matter what they are. Some of those dreams, however, can feel as hard within the game as they are in real life, and one of these is becoming an Actor. To get you to stardom fast, here’s the stats you’ll need to become an actor in Bitlife.
The best thing to do when trying to become an Actor is start a new life, because the work for this route begins at age eight, when you can ask your parents for acting lessons. If they allow you to take them, make sure to take at least one Acting lesson every time you age up, ensuring you fill the skill bar before you reach 18.
You’ll also want to join the Drama Club as soon as you’re able, so either in Middle School or Secondary School depending on your starting location.
How to become an Actor

Once you’ve reached age 18, you should have a full Acting skill bar after lessons. Now, start focusing on looks. You’ll need at least a part-time job for this, or take freelancing opportunities, to fund the lifestyle improvements.
You’ll need at least 70% in the Looks category before you can even think about becoming an Actor, so do the following to boost your looks:
- Go to the Gym
- Get a Manicure
- Plastic Surgery
While doing this, look for Extra roles. To do this, open up the Job menu and select Special Careers before selecting Actor. Acting as an Extra can sometimes get you spotted and a role can be handed to you, if you’re lucky. At the very least, Extra roles land your name in the credits, so you’re more likely to be given a role that you audition for. You’ll also get paid, which helps.

You’ll want to audition for absolutely everything in both Movies and Television, and I’d advise working from the bottom up. When you select a role that’s on offer, you’ll see two bars:
- Script quality
- Your fit
You want your fit to be as high as possible in order to maximise chances of getting the role. Don’t lose hope if you’re facing a wall of rejections, either. It only takes one successful audition to begin your journey to fame and fortune as an Actor.
Published: Mar 11, 2024 12:24 pm