Dead Rising has more zombies than Resident Evil; hundreds more. That would probably lead you to think that Dead Rising is harder. More zombies, more challenge, more danger, right?
Wrong. As anyone who’s played both series knows, the zombies of Dead Rising just are nothing compared to the undead of the Resident Evil world. That’s not by accident.
According to Capcom’s Shin Ohara, who spoke with Siliconera: “As far as Dead Rising goes, zombies are dumb, basically. In Resident Evil, zombies are an enemy that you fear because they’re strong and you have limited ammo. For Dead Rising, a single zombie doesn’t scare you, but when there are a whole bunch they could do a lot of damage. The whole idea with zombies in Dead Rising is they are not something you have to fear, but something you play with. More of a play thing where you pick up a weapon, go to them, and you want to test out that new weapon. In Resident Evil if you pick up a weapon you want to save it, you don’t want to use it unless you really have to. Dead Rising is about having fun with zombies, trying out different weapons.”
To me, that’s one of the fatal flaws of the original Dead Rising; they neutered the zombies. It wasn’t until the end of the game, when you fight [spoilers] human beings, that I felt threatened by any of the game’s enemies (though the cult members did get me a few times) [/spoilers]. For the most part, I was more scared of being late to an appointment than I was of the cannibalistic undead horde before me. That’s not a good thing for a zombie game.
That’s just me. How about you? What flavor of zombie do you prefer, Dead Rising or Resident Evil? Or do tigers beat both combined?
Published: Aug 7, 2010 02:00 pm