I’ve sort of lost track of which YouTube videos I’ve posted and which I haven’t, so I’m just going to default to another Louis CK clip.
No Sterling this week, sadly (but he asked me to pimp out SingSterling, and so I shall), but we’ve got Samit Sarkar as backup. This week, we’re going to be talking about all sorts of random crap — the Nintendo announcements, providing special services to people for buying new products, and Brett Ratner.
That in mind, ask us random questions (the best gets a prize), give us random Siegelpuns (the best gets read on-air), and give us random compliments (the best will earn you utter distrust and skepticism). Hit the jump and get to askin’.
Sorry, guys. Looks like Linde’s out too and we don’t really have the discussion subjects to sustain a full podcast with only three people (two of them dirty, dirty minorities). We’re skipping this week, but we’ll be back next Monday, I promise!
Published: Oct 6, 2008 02:41 pm