Hello Games bringing Joe Danger: The Movie to gamescom

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Indie developer Hello Games has revealed its next title, a follow up to its incredible PlayStation Network title, Joe Danger. Called Joe Danger: The Movie, Hello Games says that while it features a familiar face, it’s not a direct sequel.

“Really, it’s something entirely new,” Hello Games managing director Sean Murray tells me. “We’re super early in development, but it’s pretty huge already. Like, I think the entire gameplay experience of Joe Danger on PSN would be just one short scene in this movie.”

So if it’s not an over-the-top Excitebike-meets-Sonic the Hedgehog stunt racer, what is it? Well, it sounds like it might be a bit of everything.

“Picture every film you’ve ever loved as a kid,” Murray says, name checking Gremlins, Short Circuit, and Commando, “all cut together into some crazy montage, and that’s basically the script for the game.”

The teaser image for the game shows Danger strapped to a jetpack, in a mine cart, on skis, and… is that a freakin’ tank!? Murray calls the game “arcade fun,” with players working through the game’s different sequences “making a film” and “performing every scene.”

“It’s probably the most ridiculous action movie ever made, but you’re creating it scene by scene,” he explains. “If you nail every stunt, then the film will be perfect, and if you’re terrible, then it’ll be silly hilarious.”

Hello Games isn’t confirming what platforms Joe Danger: The Movie will appear on, but you’ll note that the original Joe Danger only hit the PlayStation 3. And it was awesome.

The developers will be at gamescom next week with more details, and we hope to catch up with them to get the scoop.

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Image of Nick Chester