Speaking with Eurogamer, Quantic Dream’s David Cage has admitted that it’s unlikely the “on hold” downloadable content for Heavy Rain will ever be produced.
“Chronicles” was set to to be a series of post-launch content for Heavy Rain, the first of which — “The Taxidermist” — was released earlier this year. It’s likely the only content that will be released. The reasons? The developer has shifted supported for an upcoming updated that will make Heavy Rain playable with the upcoming PlayStation Move controller.
“Our approach was to make no compromise on the quality of the ‘Chronicles,’ and offer exactly the same quality than [sic] the original game,” he says. “So the answer is yes. ‘Chronicles’ as we saw them were ambitious and with high expectations. As explained, they are on hold to allow the team to work on Move and on new projects, and I doubt they will ever be produced.”
Three scripts for “Chronicles,” prequels to the main narrative of the retail Heavy Rain, had already been written. Cage calls the stories “very strong” and “surprising for all Heavy Rain fans.” The decision to focus so hard on Move, was Sony’s, he explains. But he understands the decision saying he’s “really proud” how the game works with moves, and that it will show gamers “Move can be used for things other than family entertainment.”
Would you have rather had more Heavy Rain content, or are you happy with the upcoming Move support?
Cage: Heavy Rain DLC will never be made [Eurogamer]
Published: Jul 1, 2010 02:40 pm