Steve Tyler has a gigantic mouth. Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest.
Anyway, we just got word on the pricing and packaging info for Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. The game and guitar bundle will go for $99 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii, and $89 for the PS2. Even more awesome for PS2 owners is that there will be a another package bundle where the game will come with TWO guitars for only $110. These guitars in the bundle, however, will be wired versions.
There’s also going to be some nice swag for all of you Aerosmith fans who pre-order the game. Pre-ordering the game and guitar will get you an exclusive Aerosmith faceplate, and an Aerosmith tour book.
So which “Combination” are you planning on getting? I’m surprised they didn’t “Make It” all wireless. “All the Young Dudes” love wireless these days. In any case, I’m ready to “Walk this Way” to my local retailer and pre-order Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. And “No Surprize”, my jokes are horrid … “Love in an Elevator.”
[Update: OK, everything is cleared up. All versions come with a wireless guitar except for the two guitar package for the PS2. Again, sorry for the confusion.]
Published: Apr 15, 2008 05:17 pm