Turn-based combat > Do-Nothing Politicians
We’re looking at real life fiscal and political disaster on the horizon here in the U. S. of A., but thankfully, some down to Earth Canadians have a game that can teach Republicans and Democrats how to operate. Form a party. Command your party to attack all who would stand in their way. Never compromise. Winning is everything.
Oh wait, that’s exactly how they operate.
Still, it’s a lot more fun to be a satirical politician in Citizens of Earth than it is to witness the real life politicians unintentionally satirizing themselves. This Earthbound-inspired turn based RPG comes from people who worked on Guacamelee and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, and is planned for release on Wii U and Steam. It still hasn’t been funded on Kickstarter, though if the U.S. President, Congress, and Senate all donated just one day’s pay to the campaign, it would have more than enough money to move forward.
Thanks in advance, Obama.
Citizens of Earth- Unleash the Demo [Kickstarter]
Published: Oct 9, 2013 05:00 am